Blog #3

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a process that takes place in organisms to convert energy from nutrients into waste products.

How is cellular respiration related to what you measured in the cricket lab?

Cellular respiration is related to what was measured in the cricket lab because we saw that if a cricket was placed into a colder environment the respiration rate of the cricket would decrease. If the cricket was put into a warmer environment the respiration rate increases from the room temperature rate.

Blog #2

  1. Looking at the class data, what conclusions can you draw about the nutritional value of the meals/snack this group of students is consuming?
    1. Looking at the class data you can conclude that most students were not consuming enough calories, carbohydrates, fats and water. While, most students were over consuming protein.
  2. Assuming the majority of the food consumed is from the Commons dining hall and/or other venues on campus, what suggestions do you have for the food service managers.
    1. I suggest having more fruit available to students like maybe a fruit bar. Just like we have a salad bar. Having healthier meals to consume instead of pasta and sandwiches.
  3. What spices do you wish were available in the dining hall? Are there nutrients in spices?
    1. None, I am fine with what we have now for spices. Yes, spices do have nutrients.

Blog #1

What makes a good scientist?

The Nature of Science by E. O. Wilson

Questions to answer before watching the video:

  1. In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger? What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
    1. Last semester I took Bio 104 and I am retaking it now. I was able to write two scientific papers already and I write a lot of papers for English.
  2. What is your impression of scientist writing?
    1. My impression of scientific writing is well structured and east to follow each topic with steps.

Questions to answer after watching the video:

  1. How did Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
    1. Wilson’s ideas and mine are barely related. He talks more about how the scientist feels and their views on the writing.
  2. What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?
    1. Wilson’s description of a scientists emotions were interesting. It seemed as if the scientists know the paper drags on but is rather informational.

Eagle #3

New Eagle Cam:

Names are Victoria and Nicholas

Lived here for about 17 years

Start time: 1:20

End time: 1:35


  • Mother has been moving on the eggs the whole time
  • There still is no pips
  • Mother is calling
  • Can not see eggs
  • Has been sitting on them

Eagle #2

Start time: 2:15

End time: 2:30


  • 2 eggs seen under the momma eagle
  • She is moving the nest around her
    • Moving closer to her body
  • Plucks feathers
  • Still no pip pip (crack in egg shell)
  • Seems to always look to the left of her

Eagle #1

Start time: 12:59 pm

End time: 1:14 pm


  • Momma eagle is sitting on eggs
  • Looks windy because her wings are blowing around
  • She keeps looking around
  • Picks the nest with her beck every once awhile
  • Ducks down when the wind picks up