Blog #3

What is cellular respiration?

Cellular respiration is a process that takes place in organisms to convert energy from nutrients into waste products.

How is cellular respiration related to what you measured in the cricket lab?

Cellular respiration is related to what was measured in the cricket lab because we saw that if a cricket was placed into a colder environment the respiration rate of the cricket would decrease. If the cricket was put into a warmer environment the respiration rate increases from the room temperature rate.

Blog #1

What makes a good scientist?

The Nature of Science by E. O. Wilson

Questions to answer before watching the video:

  1. In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger? What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
    1. Last semester I took Bio 104 and I am retaking it now. I was able to write two scientific papers already and I write a lot of papers for English.
  2. What is your impression of scientist writing?
    1. My impression of scientific writing is well structured and east to follow each topic with steps.

Questions to answer after watching the video:

  1. How did Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
    1. Wilson’s ideas and mine are barely related. He talks more about how the scientist feels and their views on the writing.
  2. What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?
    1. Wilson’s description of a scientists emotions were interesting. It seemed as if the scientists know the paper drags on but is rather informational.